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Educational Resources: Understanding LiDAR

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The #LiDARTalks Playlist

A curated series wherein our founder and general manager, Engr. Tony Botor, discusses several topics pertaining to the wonders of LiDAR in surveying.

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Not all LiDAR applications are created equal.

LiDAR indeed is the future of land surveying. However, it exists in multiple forms. So in this installment of #SurveyFight, we discuss the advantages of HELICOPTER-MOUNTED Aerial LiDAR vs UAV Aerial LiDAR.

For smaller areas with less obstructions, UAV may be viable. But for large-scale projects such as land development, mining, urban development, and the likes, nothing currently comes close to helicopter-mounted LiDAR survey. It is more efficient, and yields data-rich output that is invaluable to our clients.


In times of uncertainty, LiDAR is the way to go.

Why is LiDAR safer in this New Normal? We have enumerated three (3) reasons below how LiDAR surveying differentiates itself from other surveying alternatives especially in these unprecedented times.

LiDAR Survey generally has been designed to make large-scale surveying easier and safer. Through this aerial data-gathering method, we ensure that there is minimal person-to-person contact without compromising the quality and speed of the entire procedure.

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