Land Development
Power & Energy
Urban Planning
Surveying for urban planning in the Philippines includes designing road alignments that match with specific route considerations which are highly dependent on the topo-configuration of the terrain. The capability of LiDAR systems to produce very detailed and accurate topographic and as-built maps that capture the nuanced elevation changes and natural features are ideal for critical road designs and high priority route surveys. The speed and efficiency of LiDAR systems significantly reduces the time required for data collection without sacrificing accuracy and precision. This technology is a convenient alternative for road, vicinity, and project inspections with minimal to no disturbance on the traffic.
The ability of LiDAR systems to generate detailed and highly accurate topographic maps enhances the understanding of urban planners to accurately assess flood risks and develop effective safety measures, improve business continuity plans, and aid in community resilience. By capturing elevation data, LiDAR helps identify flood-prone areas and drainage patterns. This technology helps create accurate flood models, which can predict the flow of water across the terrain during different scenarios. Moreover, LiDAR's capability for rapid data collection makes it essential for timely and thorough flood risk assessments.
Conducting as-built surveys for large buildings, industrial facilities, bridges, and vast terrains can be done quickly, precisely, and reliably using a detailed 3D as-built laser scanner. With precision and accuracy it provides, surveying for urban planning with LiDAR in the Philippines will generate a very detailed scan of properties, thus enhancing post-processing methods, such as distance measurements, footprinting, network analysis, inspection tasks, and documentation. This helps in the verification that the projects have been constructed correctly and identify any deviations from the original plans. The ability of LiDAR to rapidly collect data over very large areas, without sacrificing accuracy, allows for efficient and comprehensive as-built surveys. Furthermore, a virtual reality environment of the scanned structure may be produced by rendering the corresponding color of the laser-scanned points from captured orthophotos.
Topographic surveys are conducted to determine the configuration of the Earth's surface, defined by the elevation of points on a portion of land showcasing the location of natural and man-made features, including elevation changes, contours, and landforms. Through LiDAR mapping, a highly detailed and accurate topographic map of the terrain is produced and is coupled with orthophotos. Accurate topographic maps are essential for urban planners who require accurate elevation data, which includes subtle variations in the landscape, to make informed decisions such as the determination of suitable locations for infrastructure. Furthermore, 3D City Models or Digital Twins are accurately designed using hundreds of millions of LiDAR points to create a comprehensive simulation of the urban area.