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Surveying for urban planning in the Philippines includes designing road alignments that match with specific route considerations which are highly dependent on the topo-configuration of the terrain. The capability of LiDAR systems to produce very detailed and accurate topo- and as-built maps are ideal for critical road designs and high priority route surveys. This technology is a convenient alternative for road, vicinity, and project inspections with minimal to no disturbance on the traffic.


Detailed topographic map and river survey will enhance the understanding of the assessment of exposure to flood risk and therefore strengthen the outcomes of flood studies, which are essential to enhance safety measures, improve business continuity plans, and aide in community resilience through risk awareness and preparedness to the hazard.


Large buildings, industrial facilities, bridges, and vast terrains can be surveyed quickly, precisely, and reliably using a detailed 3D as-built laser scanner. With precision and accuracy it provides, surveying for urban planning with LiDAR in the Philippines will generate a very detailed scan of properties, thus enhancing post-processing methods, such as distance measurements, footprinting, network analysis, inspection tasks, and documentation. A virtual reality environment of the scanned object may be produced by rendering the corresponding color of the laser-scanned points from captured orthophotos.


Topographic surveys are conducted to determine the configuration of the Earth's surface, defined by the elevation of points on a portion of land and location of natural and man-made features on it. Through LiDAR Mapping, a very detailed and accurate topo map is produced and is coupled with orthophotos. Accurate topographic maps are essentially used in proper town planning. 3D City Models are accurately designed using hundred millions of LiDAR points.

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