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LiDAR applications in transportation in the Philippines include the LiDAR scanning of the town or city road network to quickly and easily derive a representation of the accurate layout with profile and cross-sections. The level of accuracy is ideal for road design, network analysis, road inspection, and transportation projects. Accurate measurements provided are critically important in building transportation infrastructures such as roads, bridges, flyovers, subways, and railways. They prevent miscalculations that could lead to disastrous results during the construction processes.


Another one of the LiDAR applications in transportation is topographic surveying. Topographic surveys are conducted to determine the configuration of the Earth's surface, defined by the elevation of points on a portion of land and location of natural and man-made features on it. Through LiDAR Mapping, a very detailed and accurate topographic or topo map is produced and is coupled with orthophotos. Accurate topographic maps are essentially used in proper town planning. Three Dimensional or 3D City Models are accurately designed using hundred millions of LiDAR points.


Route surveying is comprised of all survey operations required to gather data such as grading, alignment, and earthwork quantities needed for the effective design and construction of engineering works such as highways, railroads, pipelines, canals, or power lines.


Parecellary surveying is undertaken for the detailed engineering of a route survey, resulting in the right-of-way acquisition and implementation within the affected lots. LiDAR survey is conducted to document the proposed alignment, affected lots and structures within the scope.

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